Santiago García Garrido

Teléfono: +34 678614383 - 687805380
You’ll often overhear them saying they want to change…they need to change…that they’ve had enough and can’t take it anymore!
It’s common for them to go through this “new me” process on January 1st, but by January 2nd their resolve is already wavering. I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all been there.
Change can be so hard, especially when it’s more of a wish than a commitment, or when you feel stuck and are just trying to survive another day in the trenches. One of the most common reasons why people don’t experience lasting change is because they try to change too many things all at the same time!
Life is complex with a lot of moving parts. We’re complicated creatures with physical, mental, emotional, relational and spiritual dimensions. But let’s make it really simple. How satisfied are you with your life? When you consider your physical health, relationships, career, finances, spirituality, emotions, or other aspects of your life, are you happy?
You’re probably happier with certain things than others. What direction are your choices taking you? If nothing changes, where will you end up, and is that where you want to be?